
Why Adoption Competent Therapy Matters

By Claire Dixon, ACI Clinical Director and Therapist

Adoption is a lifelong journey with complex emotional, psychological, and social dynamics that require specialized understanding and support. Adoption competent therapy matters to all impacted by adoption, including adoptees, birth [...]

Empowering choices: Choosing adoptive parents for your child.

By Pam Brown, ACI Expectant Parent Counselor

Choosing adoptive parents for your child is a deeply personal and significant decision. We understand adoption is not an easy choice. Firstly, you should know your rights when considering placing [...]

Navigating Post Adoption Communication

By Molly Berger, ACI Adoption Social Worker

When a family is expanded through adoption, two families (the child’s birth family and adoptive family) are joined together for a lifetime creating their own extended family network. Navigating post [...]

What Does Post Adoption Support Look Like for Birth Parents?

By Pam Brown, ACI Expectant Parent Counselor

Choosing to place a child for adoption in order to best provide for them is definitely one of the hardest decisions that a parent will ever make. Many parents consider [...]

Why does adoption cost so much?

By Molly Berger, ACI Adoption Social Worker

One of the first questions that people ask when considering adopting is: How much does adoption cost? Followed by: Why does adoption cost so much? The average adoption in the [...]

Choosing an Agency for an Adoption Home Study

By Jane Turner, ACI Executive Director

Selecting the right adoption home study agency is a crucial step on your journey to adopting a child. The home study is a comprehensive assessment that evaluates your suitability to [...]

The Benefits of Open Communication in Adoption 

By Pam Brown, ACI Expectant Parent Counselor

ACI was founded 35 years ago on the belief that best practice in adoption is to nurture and advocate for genuine, open communication. This goes for all involved. Most importantly, [...]

A Comprehensive Guide to Adoption Home Studies 

By Teresa Bernu, ACI Associate Director

As you begin your adoption journey, one of your first steps will be completing a home study. This blog post is a guide to the different types of adoption home [...]

Adoption an Extended Family Network

By Molly Berger, ACI Adoption Social Worker

When adoptive parents welcome a child into their lives, it also means embracing the child’s heritage, background, and connections with their child’s birth family. At Adoption Center of Illinois, we [...]

How to prepare for an adoption home study

By Teresa Bernu, ACI Associate Director

Adopting a child is an exciting and life-changing decision, but it can also feel overwhelming and complicated. You may be wondering what the process is like. In this blog post, [...]
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