Lifelong Support

Lifelong Adoption Support, ACI is here for you!

After you have placed your child for adoption, ACI wants you to know you are NEVER alone, ACI will be available for emotional support whenever you need it.  We truly are here to offer lifelong support.

EXCITING NEWS ~ ACI is happy to announce we are now a 2024 Birthparent Support Alliance Member with On Your Feet Foundation.

Adoption Center of Illinois, a 501(c)(3) non-profit child placement agency licensed in Illinois, is the newest member of the Birthparent Support Alliance, a membership offered by On Your Feet Foundation to adoption professionals committed to best practices in post-placement care for birthparents, regardless of how long-ago placement happened, or the circumstances of that placement.

Who is On Your Feet Foundation?

Founded over twenty years ago, On Your Feet Foundation is a national 501(c)3 organization dedicated to serving the needs of parents after they have placed a child or children for adoption. Recognized as the gold-standard in comprehensive post-placement support for birthparents — a historically under-served population within the adoption community — they are a neutral third-party, providing birthparents with case management, adoption- competent therapy, therapeutic retreats, education and counseling grants, adoption education and strong, vibrant community in which to heal and thrive.

It can be reassuring to know that you are not the only one who has placed a child for adoption.  Sometimes it can be helpful just to talk with someone who has been through similar circumstances. 

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